Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 631.52:633.853.483
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Influence of agricultural and ecological factors on valuable traits of mustard (Brassica juncea)

Estimation of yield and the other economically valuable traits of the five perspective variety-samples of mustard bred in VNIIMK: 22347-Yunona, 22585-1, 22587, 22347-1, 741 and the known varieties Nika and Slavyanka in the different agricultural and climatic conditions (the Krasnodar, Rostov and Omsk regions) showed all varieties and samples had enlarged (on 5-8 days) duration of vegetative period in conditions of the Rostov region and on 2-7 days - in the Omsk region. There is a clear distribution of varieties for maturity groups in the Siberian region in contrast with the south of the Russian Federation. The all studied varieties and samples of the spring mustard bred in VNIIMK are characterized with high oil content in seeds - 47,3-48,7%. Conditions of the Omsk region cause the oil accumulation in seeds of the studied varieties at the level of 45,1-48,3%. In conditions of the Krasnodar and Rostov regions, the studied varieties produce almost equal oil quantity - 48,0 and 48,1%, respectively. The conditions of forest-steppe of the Omsk region are favorable for growth and development of mustard, as in this zone yields of the best varieties were 3,11 t per ha, that was on 0,16-1,32 t per ha higher than in the Krasnodar and Rostov regions. Variety-samples 22587 и 22347-1 had the highest yield in the conditions of the Omsk region. In the temperate continental climate of the Rostov region, the variety-sample 22585-1 had the maximal yield - 2,21 t per ha. The new middle variety 22347 Yunona showed the highest yield - 3,46 t per ha - in the central zone of the Krasnodar region.
Keywords: Mustard, variety, variety-sample, yield, oil content, vegetative period, ecological trial
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-78-82


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  1. Gorlova Lyudmila Аnatol'evna, Phd. of biology, Head. Department of Oilseeds Selection, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.
  2. Trubina Victoria Sergeevna, researcher, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.
  3. Serdyuk Oksana Anatolievna, candidate of agriculture, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.
  4. Shipievskaya Elena Yurievna, Phd. of biology, All-Russia research institute of oil crops by Pustovoit V.S.