Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 635.615/ 631.527.56
GSNTI: 68.35.51

The use of genetic markers in hybrid seed production of watermelon

To solve the problem of heterosis hybrids of watermelon allocated matrilineal nuclear (genic) male sterility, marker has a recessive trait - the whole lamina. Based on this line to create a hybrid F1 watermelon: Edem, Itil, Russich, Duet, Temp, meets the requirements of modern production. The studies revealed a pattern of inheritance of the basic morphological characteristics of watermelon in F1. Gives a brief description of released and promising hybrids F1. The characteristics of the maternal line (Line Cm) having male flowers are sterile (gene ms) and zelenolistnoe (nl), light green coloring of the fruit, which is also a recessive trait. The aim of the research was to develop schemes of sowing for seed production of heterotic hybrids of watermelon based on the maternal line with high hybridity of obtained seeds. Tested 4 schemes of sowing different combinations of parental forms: o:o:m:m:o:o:o:o:m:m:o:on (2:4); о:m:о:m:о:m (1:1);: m:m:o:o:m:m:o (2:2); о:m:о:o:m:o (1:2). The test high hybridity obtained when the ratio rows the maternal and paternal lines 1:2 - 96,0% of Edem F1 hybrid; 95.5% of the F1 hybrid of Itil. Thus, seed production of heterotic hybrids of watermelon using sterile maternal line genetic male sterility, use the relationship map of the parental forms 1:2, which will provide hybrid seed 95-96%.
Keywords: Gourds, nuclear (genetic) sterility, marker-assisted trait, hybrid breeding, heterosis hybrid
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-50-54


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  1. Varivoda Elena Aleksandrovna, Senior Researcher of the Breeding Department, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station of all-Russia research Institute of vegetable growing".
  2. Koleboshina Tatyana Gennadievna, doctor of agricultural sciences. Sci., Leading Researcher, Department of Agricultural Technology and Seed Production, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station of all-Russia research Institute of vegetable growing".
  3. Baibakova Nina Genrikhovna, art. Research officer of the selection department, Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station of all-Russia research Institute of vegetable growing".