Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 633.853.52:34.23.37
GSNTI: 34.15.05

Usage of DNA microsatellite loci (SSR) for identification of soybean hybrids F1

Soybean is the leading leguminous crop in the world and Russia. Due to soybean multipurpose usage, its production volumes are increased consistently. The growth of efficiency of the breeding processes by elaboration of the new and perfection of the existent methods of the initial breeding material development is an actual task. Microsatellite markers (SSRs-simple sequence repeats) which are the simple the most available, convenient and relatively cheap markers, are suitable not only for identification of the genotypes but allow distinguishing homo- and heterozygous plants upon codominant inheritance. This is very important for early recognition of frustrated soybean hybridization; this allows saving time significantly at development of the new valuable for breeding forms. The researches showed the SSR-loci are not always inhered codominant. The analysis of inheritance was done for nine microsatellite loci using for identification and certification of soybean cultivars bred at VNIIMK. There were studied 12 hybrid combinations which parental forms were differed by allele size of these microsatellite loci. The results showed that only three from nine SSR-loci are inherited codominantly - Satt1, Satt9 and Soypr1. As a result of hybrids DNA amplification with primers flanking these loci, both paternal and maternal DNA fractions presented on phoregrams. In spite of only three loci are inherited codominantly, using them it is possible to estimate all 12 studied hybrid combinations. As a result of conducted researches we can propose the new method of F1 hybrid identification to the breeders.
Keywords: Soybean, Glycine max, hybrids, SSR- markers, loci
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-219-223


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  1. Ramazanova Svetlana Alekseevna, PhD (Biol), senior research of the laboratory of imunity and molecular labeling, All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Crops by V. S. Pustovoit.
  2. Antonova Tatiana Sergeevna, Dr. of biological sciences, Head of the laboratory of immunity and molecular labeling, All-Russia Research Institute of Oil Crops by V. S. Pustovoit.