Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 633.161
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Evaluation of influence of elements of intensive technology of selection of new perspective lines of yarn barley L-1505 and L-1623

For the conditions of the North-West region of Russia it is important to create early-maturing varieties of barley in connection with the need to promote crop production to the north of the country and meet growing production needs [3]. At the Leningrad State Scientific and Research Institute "Belogorka", an assessment was made of the effect of technology elements on the main biological and economically valuable features of new promising lines of spring barley L-1505 and L-1623. Optimal fertilizer doses are the most important condition for effective harvest programming [2]. Between the intensity of application of mineral fertilizers and the yield of grain crops, a very close direct dependence is observed throughout the world [4]. The greatest effect from the action of all types of fertilizers in the Russian Federation is provided in the zone of sod-podzolic soils. Studies of various scientific institutions found that in the North-West zone the seeding rate for barley is 4-6 million germinated seeds. The use of plant growth regulators leads to an increase in the yield and quality of the products obtained [3]. One such regulator is Zircon.
Keywords: Barley, productivity, seed rate, dose of mineral fertilizers, resistance
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-143-145


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  1. Lubek Nadezhda Ivanovna, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Selection and Seed Growing of Grain Crops and Rapeseed, FGBICU "Leningrad Research Institute "Belogorka".
  2. Sedyakov Mikhail Valeryanovich, Senior Research Officer, Department of Selection and Seed Growing of Grain Crops and Rapeseed, FGBICU "Leningrad Research Institute "Belogorka".