Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 112.9: 631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

The direction and results of triticale breeding in the Krasnodar Research Institute for Agriculture Behalf of P. Lukyanenko

Triticale breeding in the Krasnodar Research Institute for Agriculture aims at increasing the productivity of grain and green mass, resistance to lodging and basic diseases, winter hardiness and drought resistance, improving the physical and technological qualities of grain. Much attention is paid to the introduction to the genealogy of the created material of recent achievements in breeding of winter rye, wheat and triticale. From 1975 to 2016, we studied 2279 collection samples, including winter triticale - 1407, spring - 704, winter rye - 168. In the collection discovered the most effective sources the main features from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, France, Japan, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and other countries. Our breeding plan helped to create forty varieties of triticale different types of crosses. By crossing T. durum / S. cereale received: AD Zelenyj, Krasnodarskiy Zernokormovoy, Konvejer. In the hybridization of T. аestivum / S. cereale // Triticale selected variety Kubanets. The combination of Triticale / T. аestivum // Triticale - Hongor, Rus, Yarilo, Dozor, Zhnets, Hot. Simple intraspecific crosses derived varieties: Slavyanin, Strelets, Grenader, Mir, Valentin 90, Lider, Kroha, Knyaz, Kunak, Yarik, Rovnya, Sergij, Bereket. Triple crossing combinations are highlighted: Avangard, Mudrets, Barun, Proryv, Brat, Sotnik, Svat, Hleborob, Bogdo, Tihon, Trudyaga. Double crossing combinations are created: Soyuz, Patriot, Ruslan, Makar.
Keywords: Triticale, collection, variety, crossing
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-115-120


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  1. Kovtunenko Viktor Yakovlevich, doctor of agricultural sciences. Sciences, Ch. Researcher, Krasnodar Lukyanenko Research Institute of Agriculture.
  2. Bespalova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Krasnodar Lukyanenko Research Institute of Agriculture.
  3. Panchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich, Cand. S.-. In Science, Leading Researcher, Krasnodar Lukyanenko Research Institute of Agriculture.
  4. Kalmysh Aleksey Petrovich, Research Fellow, Krasnodar Lukyanenko Research Institute of Agriculture.