Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2017, № 66

UDC: 631.527:581.143.6
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Development of breeding material and Fodder crops cultivars in Siberia

Using complex methods created a set of varieties and breeding material of fodder crops, distinguished by precocity, ploidy, yield and quality parameters of forage and grain, providing high quality livestock feed. For example, the breeding of red clover shows the effectiveness of individual methods (polycross, mutagenesis, polyploidy, hybridization, selection), and their combinations, resulting in a new generation of varieties hardy, early-maturing and late-maturing in diploid and tetraploid basis: SibNIIK-10, Rodnik Sibiri, Atlant, Ogonek, Meteor. The average yield of green mass and dry matter cultivar Meteor respectively 515 and 118 kg/ha and a maximum of 700 and 203 kg/ha. Yield seed varieties Rodnik Sibiri reaches 6,2 t/ha. Method of selection from wild populations established hardy, drought-resistant and high-yielding varieties of sainfoin Mikhailovsky 5 and Mikhailovsky 10, with yields of dry matter to 103 kg/ha, seed to 16,5 t/ha. By methods of hybridization, inbreeding, and selection of the series of spring rape varieties 00-type of different maturity are created: Dubravinsky skorospely, SibNIIK-198, Nadezhny 92, SibNIIK-21. Interspecific hybridization is an effective method of creating original and breeding material of spring rape 000 type.
Keywords: Plant breeding, Onobrychis arenaria, Trifolium pratense, Brassica napus, Glycine max
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-66-110-114


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  1. Kashevarov Nikolai Ivanovich, Dr. of Agricultural sciences. Sci., Academician of RAS, Siberian Research Institute of Forages of the SB RAS.
  2. Polyudina Revmira Ivanovna, Dr. of Agricultural sciences. Sciences, head of the selection center for fodder crops, Siberian Research Institute of Forages of the SB RAS.
  3. Potapov Dmitry Anatolievich, Phd. Agricultural Sciences, Ved. Sci. A fellow at the lab. Breeding, Siberian Research Institute of Forages of the SB RAS.