Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 631.811.98:[633.11ю93249:631.559(470.46)

Winter triticale grain roductivity at the expense of microbiological preparations application in Astrakhan province

The increase in grain production still is a major problem in world agriculture. It remains unresolved in many regions of Russia, including Astrakhan province. This is due to many reasons - reduced acreage and poor updating of the material-technical base of rural producers. Winter triticale by its biological nature is the most productive crop among the cereals of the first group, therefore increasing its productivity is of great importance in boosting grain production. The most important reserves of productivity growth are the introduction of more productive varieties and improvement of cultivation technology. Productivity management formation is conducted on the basis of the data characterizing the growth and development of plants, the production process playng an important role, which refers to the system of indicators characterizing the dynamics of the formation of the total phytomass (including commercial harvest) in time and space. Information about the photosynthetic activity and plant production process is used in the following areas: development of individual agricultural practices and agricultural technologies; modeling, programming and forecasting productivity of different crops; creation of highly productive varieties and hybrids. At present, there is a large number of indicators, which characterize the features of the photosynthetic activity and production process of crops. Great attention was paid to the formation of high individual productivity of plants through the application of bacterial preparations. The use of bacterial preparations contributed to increased yield, improved quality of grain and green mass; increased density of productive stalks is due to increased productive tillering of plants (PC).
Keywords: Winter triticale, microbial preparations, productivity, grain, varieties
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-59-64


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  1. Zvolinsky Vyacheslav Petrovich, academician of RAS, Professor, FSBI "Caspian research Institute of arid agriculture".
  2. Tyutuma Natalyia Vladimirovna, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, Professor, FSBI "Caspian research Institute of arid agriculture".
  3. Naumova Nina Alekseevna, graduate student, Volgograd State Agrarian University.