Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 1(091)
GSNTI: 02.91.01

Neoliberal political-and-legal paradigm of the Russian society reform from the perspective of modernity

The authors examine in a full and thorough manner neoliberal paradigm of reform of the Russian society at the turn of XIX-XX centuries, which was predestined by specific features of socio-political and spiritual processes of development in Russia; reveal that the formation of socio-cultural premises for neoliberal model of reform was in progress in the midst of different perspectives of the social development of Russia, namely conservatism, populistic doctrine, Marxism; analyze legal nihilism in Russian culture, the origin of which was associated with legal consciousness status of the Russian society, which until the twentieth century did not put forward the ideal of a legal personality; notify controversial orthodoxy influence on the national legal consciousness, which in addition with approval in the national self-consciousness of the moral approach to the phenomena of social reality was not accompanied by the implementation of the other essential Christian idea that is the recognition of the absolute human dignity; identify fundamental factors impacting legal nihilism generation, i. e. historical, psychological, ideological which taken together formed characteristics typical of national self-consciousness; emphasize that neoliberals thought that in order to overcome legal nihilism in the Russian society justification of the interconnection between law and culture, as well as law spirit approval were required, and for justice assurance mutual complementarity of external (legal-political) and internal (moral-religious) ways of social life regulation was essential; furthermore in neoliberal paradigm social ideal acquired the character of a moral-legal ideal, suggesting the creation of fair order based on the enforcement of indefeasible human and civil rights and freedoms; discuss such legal principles of the neoliberal paradigm as recognition of the human right to individuality and the right to dignified human existence, the need to harmonize the interests of the state with indefeasible human rights; come to conclution that enhanced studying of ideological heritage of neoliberal philosophy of law provides a matter for foundation of politico-legal paradigm of reform of modern Russian society considering particular characteristics of national legal consciousness.
Keywords: Neoliberalism, reform, law, legal consciousness, legal nihilism
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-199-205


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  1. Bukhtoiarov Nikolay Ivanovich, PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector, Head of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department, Emperor Peter I the Great Voronezh State Agrarian University.
  2. Vasilyev Boris Viktorovich, Dr. of Philosophical Sciences, Professor,Professor of the History, Philosophy and Russian Language Department, Emperor Peter I the Great Voronezh State Agrarian University.