Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

UDC: 626
GSNTI: 70.17.31

Research of stiffness characteristics of gravity and of buttress weir on facilities of analysis of eigentones

The cities of the Black Sea coast and peninsula test Crimea lack of fresh water. Especially in a summer period, when it is necessary to turn to the account from industry of tourism. Development of agriculture is also impossible in default of this resource. Presently in the conditions of action of the program of importozamescheniya, which is supported the state, it is necessary to develop agriculture. Development of agriculture consists in intensification, which is not possible in default of or not enough reliable functioning to any of the systems, including system of irrigation. It is not possible to interest investors or get a credit (subsidies) without development of clear strategy (business plan), and the receipt of the planned harvest straight depends on irrigation. Already a long ago and well storage pools zarekomendovali itself for the accumulation of fresh water with subsequent by its use. It is impossible to use these systems on the Black Sea coast, because of absence of areas. In fact those areas which it is fertile earth and it is not possible to use it for a submergence and device of storage pools. Uniquely faithful by the decision of this problem is a device of underground and above-ground storage pools in mountain canyons for the accumulation of atmospheric fallouts. On principle new technological and technical decisions are developed in the Kuban state agrarian university, namely systems adjustings of flow of atmospheric fallouts, allowing to provide water both population and production. The systems can gote, as soon as from underground storage pools, so to include underground and above-ground storage pools, that allows to collect the considerable volumes of fresh water, in the limited space of mountain canyons. This system implies under itself building of difficult hydrotechnical buildings, namely gravity and kontrforsnoy weirs. The modern methods of calculation allow to decide the question of safety and reliability of these buildings. Given work is devoted research of zhestkostnykh descriptions on facilities of analysis of eigentones, that renders meaningful influence on safe exploitation of different type of weirs. The got results allowed comprehensively to analyse work gravity and kontrforsnoy weirs and to carry out more deep research of influence of eigentones on inflexibility of building on the whole.
Keywords: System of adjusting of flow of atmospheric fallouts, fresh water, weir, hydrotechnical buildings, mathematical design, eigentones
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-169-177


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  1. Degtyareva Ol'ga Georgiyevna, PhD in techniques, associate professor, Associate Professor of Construction Engineering, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.