Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 63

GSNTI: ГРНТИ 68.41.55

Antiparasitic efficiency of complex application of the original medical forms Ivermek-ON and Ivermek-OR for Dermanyssus gallinae

The article presents the results of the antiparasitic efficiency evaluation of complex application Ivermek®-OR and Ivermec®-ON designed by CJSC "Nita-Pharm" (Russia) against the red chicken mite. The broiler chickens safety of the experimental group treated with antiparasitic drugs was higher by 4% as compared with the control, and live weight on 45-th day of cultivation - by 9,07%. A decrease of feed consumption has been fixed per 1 kg growth by 4,7% and the growth productivity index by 7,2% compared to birds of control group. In the control slaughter of 42-days chickens it was established that pre-slaughter weight, weight of eviscerated carcass and carcass yield of broilers of the experimental group in conditions of antiparasitic program Ivermec ON + Ivermek-OR was higher, respectively by 9,1%, 13,5% and 5,8% as compared to counterparts in the control group. The results of merchandising examination of the carcasses indicate a positive effect of antiparasitic treatments on the quality of the products. Thus, the number of the first grade carcasses in the experimental group was 96%, against 86% in the control group. Thus the obtained data testify to high efficiency of complex application of the original anti-parasitic drug Ivermek®-OR and Ivermec®-ON against Dermanyssus gallinae. This method allows reducing the cost of veterinary measures aimed at elimination of consequences of the disease and to maintain the livestock productivity, and the absence of toxic effects on the poultry organism and increased efficiency in respect of most parasitic diseases allows its successful application throughout the whole period of poultry keeping.
Keywords: Poultry breeding, arachnoides, infestation, acaricide
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-63-144-150


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  1. Orobets Vladimir Aleksandrovich, doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor, head of chair of therapy and pharmacology, Stavropol State Agrarian University.
  2. Kastarnova Elena Sergeevna, student, Stavropol State Agrarian University.
  3. Zabashta Sergey Nikolaevich, doctor of veterinary Sciences, Professor, head of Department of Parasitology, veterinary-sanitary expertise and zoohygiene, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.
  4. Zabashta Anna Petrovna, associate Professor, candidate of veterinary Sciences, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.