Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

Phenomenon of market economy: dialectics of connections and reproduction dynamics

In the article the judgements of modern Russian researchers are considered about the phenomenon of market economy in the context of its evolutionary and reproduction aspects.It is shown that the introduction of the classics of the economic science of theoretical promises of the social market economy led to the rejection of Keynesian measures on demonopolization of the market environment. Attention is attracted to the fact that among economists there is no unity in the acceptance of definition of market up till now, as, the dogmas based on national traditions do not accept generality of market process within the framework of which it is problematic enough to achieve quality modernisation of productive forces and adequate reformation of productive relations. The authors of the article focus on five basic phenomena existing in connection with prevailing of market method of production: 1) historical and economic founding of the market phenomenon; 2) the phenomenon of market economy in the context of reproduction and evolutional aspects; 3) design and optimization of business processes; 4) the phenomenon of market economy in the market economy mechanisms; 5) the phenomenon of market economy in the context of humanistic values. Consistently considering each of them, they come to the comprehension of the phenomenon of market economy, outwardly showing up in providing of close collaboration of the state and large private structures, crossing and cooperation of their interests, insistent necessity of creation in Russia of reliable institutional foundation of legal, economic and organizational influence of the state on the solution of vital problems, including fight against corruption with forms of shadow (unmarket) economic relations.
Keywords: Market, market economy, market mechanism, social priorities, market dialectics, crisis, commodity exchange, priorities of development, economic education
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-7-14


  1. Феномен рыночного хозяйства: от истоков до наших дней. - Монография / Под ред. В. А. Сидорова, Я. С. Ядгарова, В. В. Чапли. - Краснодар. - Изд. НИИ экономики ЮФО. - 2016.


  1. Sidorov Viktor Alexandrovich, Dr. Ekon Sciences, Professor, head of department of theoretical economy, Kuban State University.
  2. Yadgarov Yakov Semenovich, Dr. Econ. Sciences, Professor of economic history and the history of economic thought, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  3. Vlasova Natalya Viktorovna, PhD in economics, associate Professor of the economic theory department, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.