Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 338.43:636.2.033
GSNTI: 68.75.13

Economic analysis of state support of system of beef production in Russia and the Krasnodar Territory

The article analyzes directions and volumes of state support for the beef production in Russia by years, regions and individual producers, the main criteria and the conditions of its distribution among the recipients, as well as target indicators of the beef production development in the country. The work contains the results of a comparative economic analysis of the level of state support for domestic producers in the beef cattlebreeding with the level of support in the developed agrarian countries, taking into account the size of state support rates in different directions, the structure and the amount of annual costs in the beef production and the share of state support in the value of agricultural products produced. It was found that the use of existing distribution criteria for state support of domestic beef cattle between regions of the country and individual producers will lead to fragmented unsustainable development of beef cattle in the country and will not allow the increase of cattle beef breeds to the level of countries with developed beef cattle. In the first place, it is proposed to provide state support to producers in the regions of Russia with sufficient of pasture area for cattle beef breeds, as in other areas beef cattle is devoid of its main competitive advantages, and its development can only be of temporary artificial character. It was found that the deterioration of the macroeconomic forecasts for Russia's development, the reduction of state support of the beef cattle breeding, as well as unjustified non-uniformity of their distribution between producers will hinder the development of beef cattle in the country.
Keywords: Beef cattle, the state support, availability of pasture
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-48-56


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  1. Saifetdinov Alexander Rafailovich, senior lecturer of Department of the organization of production and innovation activities, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.