Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 631.31.02
GSNTI: 68.85.29

Form substantiation of loosening working elements of flat disk mover

In the work the goal is to substantiate the form of the loosening working elements of the flat disk of the working body with the function of propulsion, to determine the optimal geometry of a work item used for the initial destruction of the cohesive soil layer of low humidity and the composition of the tillage operation. To solve the problem the method of mathematical modeling was used. As a result the equation of the envelope curve of the working element was obtained, allowing modeling the shape of the working element depending on the mode of operation of the working body. In accordance with the set task, we have managed to mathematically describe the equations of the optimal geometry of the working element of the tooth flat disc used for the initial destruction of the cohesive soil layer of low humidity and the composition of the tillage operation. The resulting equations of the work element envelope curves allow modeling the work element form depending on the mode of operation of the working body. It is established that the formation of driving force of the flat disk is provided with soil friction forces on its side surface. The analysis of theoretical dependence of horizontal force of friction from the kinematic parameter shows that with the increase of the kinematic parameter, the traction resistance decreases dramatically, and the growth of the driving force is negligible and soon stops altogether. This can be explained by the decrease in the number of teeth of the blade to ensure constant supply with increasing rotation speed caused by the increase in kinematic parameter. Thus, reducing the area of contact of the side surfaces of the tooth disk with the soil leads to a decrease in driving ability of the drive.
Keywords: Tooth disk, tooth, working body, geometry, form, friction, layer, soil, movement, cracks, destruction
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-194-199


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  1. Turovsky Boris Vladimirovich, PhD in techniques, professor; The Department of livestock mechanization and life safety, I.T. Trubilin Kuban state agrarian University.
  2. Efremova Violetta Nikolaevna, sr. instructor; The Department of livestock mechanization and life safety, I.T. Trubilin Kuban state agrarian University.
  3. Sidorenko Sergey Mikhaylovich, PhD in techniques, professor; The Department of livestock mechanization and life safety, I.T. Trubilin Kuban state agrarian University.
  4. Trifonov Ilya Konstantinovich, student; The Department of livestock mechanization and life safety, I.T. Trubilin Kuban state agrarian University.