Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 61

UDC: 504.064.2
GSNTI: 67.07.01

The reduction in noise levels on-site recreation facilities using methods of shielding

The main purpose of the construction of anti-noise screens is to reduce noise in areas adjacent to the road. The effectiveness of anti-noise screens depends on the quality of preliminary acoustic research, accuracy of forecasting the evolution of traffic intensity; quality of materials and work performance, compatibility with the surrounding landscape and the psychological screen perception by people. One of the effective construction and acoustic means preventing the spread of noise pollution in the environment are the "screens". The term "screen" is usually attributed to any obstacles in the way of noise propagation. Noise reduction is provided by screens, barriers. With barriers - screens areas can be protected from noise. The screens have a number of significant advantages over other designs: a wide range of textures allows you to enter a protective shield in the surrounding landscape, to give the design a high aesthetic quality. The entire design is a reliable fence in itself - a fence, serving not only as sound insulation, but as security as well. The test of acoustic efficiency is a combination of noise reflecting and noise-absorbing ability of special concrete formulations used for fencing, which reduces noise.
Keywords: Screens, walls, noise insulation, traffic noise, sound waves, environment,
DOI: 10.21515/1999-1703-61-186-189


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  1. Petrova Anna Vitaleʾvna, sr. instructor of architecture department, research student, I.T. Trubilin Kuban State Agrarian University.