Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.85:631.53.02
GSNTI: 68.35.37

Environmental aspect of growing seeds of safflower according to sowing rates and terms in the Crimean foothills

The article presents data on the effect of planting date and seeding rates on the formation of seed production crops of safflower. It was found that the rate and duration of seed sowing safflower strongly influences the amount and degree of development of the weeds. With the increase of the seed number and weight of weeds in the crop is significantly reduced, eliminating the use of herbicides. With an increase in seeding rate biological seed yield per unit area increases with early and middle timing of sowing. Seed rate and sowing date of safflower has a strong influence on the formation density, weed infestation and productivity of safflower in the foothill zone of the Crimea. The plant density of safflower is influenced by the conditions, rules and period of sowing. The main decrease in density of plants occurs during the period of germination of safflower. Only about 65% of the seeds involved in the formation of the crop. Rate and time of sowing of the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius greatly affect the number and degree of development of the weeds. With the increase in seeding rate the quantity and mass of weeds in crops is greatly reduced, which eliminates the use of herbicides. With the increase in seeding rate of biological yield of seeds per unit area increases in the early and middle sowing dates. The highest biological productivity in these terms was the variant with the seeding rate of 300 thousand seeds per 1 hectare. The late sowing date of safflower has a negative impact on the formation of the elements of seed productivity of crops and cannot be recommended for use.
Keywords: Cultivation of safflower seed, seed rate, sowing time, field germination, plant density, weed infestation, biological productivity


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  1. Yeskova Oksana Vitalevna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of Biotechnology, Genetics and Plant Physiology, Academy of Life and Environmental Sciences FSAEI HE "V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University".
  2. Yeskov Sergey Victorovih, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, researcher, All-Russian Center for Plant Quarantine"FGBU VNIIKR".