Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.161
GSNTI: 68.35.29

The influence of sowing period and seeding rate on the productivity of barley of different biological groups in the conditions of steppe zone of the Crimea

Barley is the basic fodder-grain crop in the Crimea. The lands under its cultivation in the Republic amounted to an average of 160,000 hectares. Winter, semi-winter (alternate) and spring barley is grown at the peninsula. Winter type is dominant in the disposition of arable areas due to the fact of higher productivity than spring barley can achieve. However, the productivity of winter barley is non-stable from year to year because of frequent changes of weather conditions during the growing season. Usage of alternate barley allows to stabilize its productivity since they can be used at a later sowing period and for oversowing and re-seeding when crops are damaged with the winter frosts. The technology of alternate barley cultivation in the steppe zone of the Crimea is studied insufficient. The aim of our research was to define the influence of sowing period and seeding rate on winter barley “Voshod” and alternate barley “Dostoyniy”. Weather and climatic conditions during the time research were conducted differ sharply and caused a great influence on productivity. The maximum one was in 2011, the minimum - in 2013. As a consequence of research it was established that optimum seeding rate for variety “Dostoyniy” is 5 mln. it. /ha, the average productivity in that case was 2,63 t/ha. The maximum yield of variety “Voshod” was gained under the seeding rate 4 to 5 mln. it. /ha. Also research results determined the optimum period of sowing - October 25. While shifting the period of sowing in direction of earlier or later ones the maximum productivity of both varieties was marked under the seeding rate of 5 mln. it./ha.
Keywords: Barley, productivity, weather and climatic conditions, varieties


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  1. Demchuk Alexander Vitalyevich, Head. lab. Cultivar and seed production of new genotypes, Agricultural Research Institute of the Crimea.