Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 635.615 /631.543.2
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Optimization of primary seed melons

Research Bykov melons breeding experimental station found that the cultivation of melons in the zone of risky agriculture, is profitable. Crucial belongs to the varieties and hybrids created for these conditions. Domestic melon production provided high-quality material, can satisfy the modern needs of our country, but in the pursuit of reducing the cost of production of commodity producers of products not use cheap material, which significantly reduces the possibility of varieties and hybrids. Seeds are carriers of genetic information about its variety attribution, summarizing the properties of the genotype and phenotype of a material that determines the agronomic value of the variety, the stability and transmission of this information when the reproduction of the varieties. Development of technologies that maximise the use of seed production of varieties and hybrids of melons is an issue of primary seed. The station developed a method of production of original and elite seeds of melons. Use the method of "halves" with average seed, and also improved mass selection. Scheme of selection differ for the waste homogeneous varieties and new varieties of hybrid origin. In the present improved scheme of production of original, elite seeds of melons with the study of the influence of space power on waste characteristics, we investigate different schemes of crops. Experimental data showed that when growing late-maturing varieties Icarus for thickening area supply to 1,05 sq. m. the seed yield increases by 3 times, reduced length of the vegetative period, but decreased the yield of standard products by 5,5%, compared with the control (3,15 sqm). When tested early-maturing varieties Triumph, on the same areas of nutrition, observed the same relationship. The variety of Cluster 334 the increase of plant density from 2,600 to 1 ha, up to 14200 resulted in 4 times more seeds. The results of these studies showed that the densely planted crops does not reduce the quality of seeds sown. Noted that varieties react to the densely planted crops differently, so the density should be chosen individually depending on the phenotypic characteristics of variety and soil and climatic growing conditions.
Keywords: Varieties, hybrids, seed production, selection, nutrition area


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  1. Bykovsky Yuriy Anatolievich, chief researcher, Center for innovation and technology, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Professor, All-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing.
  2. Varivoda Elena Aleksandrovna, senior researcher of the Department of plant breeding, Bykovskaya bocheva breeding experimental station of all-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing.
  3. Kolebochina Tatiana Gennadievna, doctor of agricultural Sciences, Director, Bykovskaya bocheva breeding experimental station of all-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing.