Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 635.615/631.527.5
GSNTI: 68.35.03

The use of genetic variation in the creation of new competitive varieties and hybrids of watermelon for commodity melon Russia

Genetic studies with melons in Russia began in the 30th years of the last century. Data on the genetics of watermelon have been crucial to speed up the selection and creation of varieties with the given parameters. Spontaneous and induced mutants served as initial forms for breeding new varieties and hybrids. Based on another spontaneous mutant, which has a sign of zelenolistnoe created a number of varieties and lines used as parent for obtaining heterosis of varieties and hybrids. Not dissected leaf blade, due to the recessive nature of inheritance, the genetic marker. Among induced mutant form of watermelon with male sterility. Fertile plants can be readily distinguished in the early stages of development. To determine the inheritance of the trait "sterility of male flowers" held hybridological analysis using backcrossed with fertile and sterile parents. Research has shown that male sterility is inherited recessive and controlled by a common gene. The resulting material was carefully selected according to the morphological characteristics and created maternal line. The line has two of the recessive trait. It is a spontaneous mutant on the basis of zelenolistnoe that allows you to easily culled heirloom plants in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. The second is a recessive trait - light green colour of a fruit without drawing. The use of these heritable variation allows to obtain the F1 hybrids with the specified parameters. Three promising hybrid F1 Eden, Rusich, ITIL, which are included in the State register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation. Passes the State test of heterotic F1 hybrid Duo.
Keywords: Watermelon, heterosis, hybrids, inheritance, traits, sterility, dominance, recessivity


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  1. Varivoda Olga Pavlovna, PhD. agricultural Sciences, honored agronomist of Russia, a leading researcher at the Department of selection, Bykovskaya bocheva breeding experimental station of all-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing.
  2. Leonov Vladimir Ivanovich, Dr. agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of breeding and seed production, Bykovskaya bocheva breeding experimental station of all-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing.
  3. Varivoda Elena Aleksandrovna, Art. scientific. at the Department of selection, Bykovskaya bocheva breeding experimental station of all-Russian research Institute of vegetable growing.