Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 635.624:631.527.53
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Seed productivity of pumpkin macrocarpa: manifestation and inheritance

The results of studies on the pumpkin macrocarpa, including variety Michurinskaya, breeding population of A-17/09 (which was the ancestor of heterosic hybrid Adzihey) and their hybrids of the first and second generations. The characteristics of seed production of the original parental forms and hybrids are presented. It is noted that the hybrids of the first and second generations clearly incline to the parent A-17/09, while combining traits of both parents. It was found that such traits as the number of fruits per plant, the average fruit weight, fruit insemination, and weight of 1000 certified seeds are inherited differently, wherein the effect of the component features on the resulting indicator is partially offset. Some signs are inherited unidirectionaly, which leads to a significant heterosis effect on the basis of the resulting (positive or negative) in the first generation, and it may contribute to the appearance of transgressive forms in the second generation, as noted in the studied hybrid F2 populations. Revealed features of inheritance of traits characterizing the seed production and crop yields, apparently due to the fact that the crossing ecologically and geographically distant forms of pumpkin macrocarpa. Studies of inheritance of the following traits of fetal weight, number of fruits per plant, number of ovules in the fruit, the percentage semnification, weight of 1000 certified seeds as the main components of the pumpkin seed productivity indicators of pumkin macrocarpa in the first generation, and especially in the fissile hybrid populations and analysis of the possibility of selection of promising transgressive selection forms for these indicators are important.
Keywords: Pumpkin macrocarpa, seed production, semnification, anembrionie, weight of 1000 seeds, the degree of dominance


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  1. Bukharova Almira Rahmetovna, PhD (Agricult.), Head; Of the Laboratory of selection and breeding of horticultural crops, Russian Agrarian Correspondence University.
  2. Stepanyuk Nataliya Vladimirovna, PhD (Biol.), Doctiral of RSACU; Of the Laboratory of selection and breeding of horticultural crops, Russian Agrarian Correspondence University.
  3. Bukharov Alexandr Fedorovich, PhD (Agricult.), Leading Researcher; Of the Laboratory of selection and breeding of horticultural crops, Russian Agrarian Correspondence University.