Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.8:582.929.4:57.017 (477.75)
GSNTI: 68.35

Intraspecific variation main agronomic characters Hyssopus officinalis L. on the South coast of Crimea

Biomorphological studied variability (number of flowering shoots, leaf size, inflorescence length and number of flowers in the inflorescence) and major agronomic traits (yield of raw material, the mass fraction of the essential oil and its component composition) Hyssopus officinalis L. introduced from Germany (Botanic Garden City Tübingen). Composition of the essential oil. identified 51 components are basic bicyclic terpene ketones - pinokamfon and izopinokamfon that are in dynamic equilibrium. It identifies three chemotype: pinokamfonny pinokamfona containing 51,2-73,2%; izopinokamfonny, which this component varies 47,0-75,0% and the interim he main components are pinokamfon, izopinokamfon and mass fraction of which is respectively 52,1% and 24,6% in one form; 39,6% and 21,8% - in the other. In addition to dominant components of hyssop essential oil identified β-pinene (2,4-8,3%), linalool (1,4-4,4%) mirtenol (3,2-3,3%), linalyl acetate (2,6%), germakren D (0,7-3,4%) and others. The yield of raw material varies from 0,27 to 1,0 kg / m², the mass fraction of the essential oil from 0,15-0,63% of the wet weight (0,45-1,75% of absolutely dry). It was found that the samples of highly characterized by low productivity, and high-yielding samples have a low content of essential oils. No direct correlation between the main economically valuable attributes complicates the selection. Identified five forms with a high mass fraction of the essential oil and the main components of interest for further breeding as donors to the high content of terpene compounds.
Keywords: Hyssopus officinalis L, essential oil, essential oil component composition, pinokamfon, izopinokamfon


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  1. Khlypenko Lyudmila Anatolievna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  2. Rabotyagov Valery Dmytrievich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.
  3. Marco Natalia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher, Nikita Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.