Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 634. 1: 631. 52
GSNTI: 68. 35. 03

Role of hereditary variability in creation of new grades of an apple-tree and realization of their genotypic potential

Results of long-term studying of the grades and elite forms of an apple-tree (Malus x domestica Borkh) a different ploidnost growing in the conditions of the South of Russia are presented. A research objective - the accelerated creation on the basis of the revealed regularities of inheritance of the genotypes of an apple-tree combining the improved indicators of quality of fruits with immunity or complex resistance to the main mushroom pathogens. In work programs and techniques of selection, modern molecular and genetic methods of research are used. The СТАВ method which is characterized by use of cleaner of a tsetiltrimetilammoniybromid is applied to extraction of DNA. The modification of the СТАВ method developed of NСRRIH&V based on use of kollidon in concentration of 1% in the liziruyushchy buffer for fuller cleaning of tests of DNA of polyphenolic connections is used. The method of the DNA analysis is used for selection of genotypes of an apple-tree on genes: Vf - immunity to a scab; Md-PG1 - the pulp softening which is authentically influencing process at storage; Md-EXP7 - defining quality and density of pulp of fruits (especially alleles 198 and 202). As valuable initial material for selection grades Orfey, Lyubava, Hellas, Souyz, Fortuna, etc., combining a complex of valuable agrobiological signs with the increased resistance to abiotic and biotic stressful factors of the Western Ciscaucasia are allocated. During research with use of a method of DNA marking for identification of a gene of immunity to a scab of Vf and quality indicators of fruits (Md-PG1 gene which is authentically influencing process of a softening of pulp at storage; Md-EXP7 - defining quality and density of pulp of fruits) are revealed apple-tree genotypes, high-quality, immune to a scab: OR18T13, Lyubava, Florina, Balsgard 0247E, 12/2-20-22, etc.
Keywords: Grade, apple-tree, selection, gene, DNA analysis


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  1. Ulyanovskaya Elena Vladimirovna, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, Head of the laboratory of cultivar study and breeding of horticultural crops, North-Caucasus Zonal Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.
  2. Suprun Ivan Ivanovich, Cand. of biol. Sciences, Head, North-Caucasus Zonal Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.
  3. Tokmakov Sergey Vyacheslavovich, Cand. of biol. Sciences, researcher, North-Caucasus Zonal Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.
  4. Bogdanovich Tatiana Valerevna, junior researcher of the laboratory of cultivar study and breeding of horticultural crops, North-Caucasus Zonal Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.