Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Agrolandscape-ecological zoning of the south European Russia

Agrolandscape-ecological zoning of the south Russia on natural-economic regions Central Chernozem, North Caucasus and the Volga region with the aim of ecosystems assessment, agriculture adaptive intensification, the exact address extrapolation technology of creation and use pastures and hayfields, environmental management, optimization and agricultural land protection are developed. As a result of the agro-ecological zoning of landscape, agro-ecological landscape analysis and assessment of the study area south of the European part of Russia established the following: 1. The crisis ecological state of agrolandscapes, degradation of agricultural land, development of negative processes erosion, dehumification, desertification, etc.; 2. The instability of agricultural production, significant fluctuations in productivity of agroecosystems; 3. The imbalance productive and protective ecosystems in the disturbed-infrastructure agrolandscapes, structure of sown areas and crop rotations. As a result, agro landscape and environmental analysis the agriculture priorities in the management of agricultural landscapes are revealed. It was established that the most important factor in the management of agricultural lands and agricultural landscapes, influencing on fertility arable land, are the species composition of crops and their ratio in the structure sown areas and productivity levels. The main areas of the south Russia to preserve soil fertility, it is first necessary to improve the species composition of crops and arable land use structure, primarily by reducing the areas of fallow and cultivated crops, increasing the proportion of perennial grasses. In the rational structure of sown areas shall be the maximum amount of perennial grasses and legumes (at least 20-25%) and the minimum - fallow and cultivated crops. Square of cultivated crops should be determined by the availability of resources for humus reproduction and handed down by from the soil of nutrients.
Keywords: South of Russia, agrolandscape-ecological zoning, agricultural landscapes management, species composition of crops, structure of the use of arable land, perennial grasses,


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  1. Trofimov Ilya Aleksandrovich, Dr. geogr. Sciences, Deputy Director for Science, Head, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  2. Trofimova Liudmila Sergeevna, Cand. agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  3. Yakovleva Elena Petrovna, Senior Researcher, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.