Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 631.52:633.1:631.95
GSNTI: 68.35.29

Evaluation of the effects of diazotrophic bacterization on grain crops in different agro-ecological conditions

The results of the experimental data on the effect of inoculation of biological products on the associative diazotrofov varieties of spring wheat, spring barley, oats seed in agro-ecological conditions of southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia. Studies were carried out from 2011-2015. in the experimental fields of seed department of the Federal State budget scientific establishment Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture. The effect of biological products on the 9 accessions of spring wheat, 3-spring barley forage and brewing devices and 6-oat seed. Soil pilot area - meadow chernozem srednegumusovaya moderately heavy loam with a neutral reaction medium. biologics and Rizoagrin Azorizin were used to inoculate seeds. Biological drug rizoagrin is based on the strain belonging to the genus of Agrobacterium, Azorizin - to the genus Azospirillum. The effect of inoculation on crop quality, germination of seeds, plant survival, the length of growing seasons and yield of crops. inoculation efficiency is defined as biological products and genotypic characteristics of varieties. Obtained accessions of spring wheat - Pamyati Azieva, Dueht, Svetlanka, G2755/04 and G540/05; barley - Omskij 91 and Omskij 95; oats - Orion and Irtysh 23, the most responsive to inoculation, with high yield, adaptive to the conditions of the region. When inoculation of crops biologics was an increase in grain yield for spring barley varieties - 9,5-13,7%; oats - 3-12,9%. The greatest efficiency at the plants of spring barley and oat seed has biologic azorizin, stimulating effect rizoagrina marked on spring wheat.
Keywords: Spring wheat, spring barley, oat, associative nitrogen fixation, diazotrophs, Rizoagrin, Azorizin, risofera, variety, inoculation


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  1. Popolzuhina Nina Alexeevna, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Omsk State Agrarian University named after PA Stolypin.
  2. Auzhanova Asargul Dyusembaevna, candidate of biological sciences, Omsk State Agrarian University named after PA Stolypin.
  3. Popolzuhin Pavel Vavilovich, candidate of of agricultural sciences, senior research fellow, Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture.
  4. Streletsky Alexander Mikhaylovich, postgraduate, Omsk State Agrarian University named after PA Stolypin.
  5. Bozhko Andrej Aleksandrovich, postgraduate, Omsk State Agrarian University named after PA Stolypin.