Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.63:631.53.02
GSNTI: 68.35.33

Qrowing in the Crimea sugar beet seeds without planting way

The questions of practical implementation of the program of sugar beet seed growing technology by without planting (direct) method at the agricultural sector of the Crimea outside the area of crops manufacturing were analyzed in the article. The peculiarities and advantages of sugar beet seed growing technology by aforementioned method in comparison with traditional, transplanting seed growing (indirect) method were observed. Soil properties and climatic features of the Crimean peninsula were characterized. This information gives the possibility to implement the effective seed growing technology of this valuable crop. The practical experience of sugar beet seed growing technology using direct sowing method of three enterprises that were situated in Dzhankoy district of the Crimean region was the basis of the article. One of the authors who took part in writing the article worked as a director of the enterprise named after the 60-year anniversary of the Great October Revolution, cultivated seeds on the area of 200 hectares of irrigated arable lands, and harvested 26-28 cwt of seeds pet hectare. It is necessary to mention that the seed growing experiment gives the possibility to gain the high economic efficiency and lays the foundation of wide spreading the obtained experience in the great number of enterprises at the republic. The authors consider in detail the elements of agro-technological methods of the soil tillage that are oriented at the high yield of seeds paying special attention to the question of the plants overwintering. The recommendations for sugar beet seed growing technology by without planting method according to the ecological zones, where this technology is applied, are presented.
Keywords: Sugar beet, sugar beet seed breeding, without planting method, sugar beet seed breeding in the Crimea


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  1. Poliakova Natalia Yuryevna, head of the laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea.
  2. Demchenko Nikolay Petrovich, PhD in biology, professor, chief researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea.
  3. Kemerova Tatyana Michailovna, junior researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea.