Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.18: 631.559: 631.5/.9: 58.036
GSNTI: 68.35

Correlation of traits determining yield of rice varieties with abiotic environmental factors

Requirements for high yield sustainability of agricultural crops increase together with yield increase and it gets more and more difficult to maintain yield in different climatic conditions. Unfavorable agroclimatic conditions are one of the main reasons of high yield variability of crops in most regions of Russia. Plant breeding strategy is based on predictable long-term environmental changes, i.e. specific agroclimatic aspects of a certain cultivation area. It is important to understand though that short-term climatic variations during a certain year can be unpredictable. Therefore studying interconnection of abiotic factors and genotype plays an important role in providing ecological yield sustainability of new rice varieties and defining priority tasks and methods of breeding and agricultural programs. The continuous improvement of the range of varieties of cereal crops, including rice, takes place; its efficiency is confirmed by growth of grain gross collection in rice growing regions as well as countrywide. In this regard it is necessary to take into consideration peculiarities of cultivation technologies for new rice varieties, environmental fluctuations, expansion of habitat of pests and diseases, as well as environmental requirements on the use of crop protection agents. This article presents the results of 3 years’ research on new varieties during competitive trial over the period of 2013-2015. Correlation interconnection between yield defining traits of different rice genotypes and heat supply during vegetation period has been determined. Characteristics of promising rice varieties were studied during competitive trials in comparison with standard-check variety depending on climatic conditions.
Keywords: Rice varieties breeding, heat supply, yield elements, yield, environment, average daily air temperature


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  1. Ostapenko Nadezhda Vasilievna, Ph.D. in agriculture, Leading researcher, All-Russian Rice Research Institute.
  2. Dzhamirze Ruslan Ramazanovich, Ph.D. in agriculture, Senior scientist, All-Russian Rice Research Institute.
  3. Chinchenko Natalya Nikolaevna, Junior scientist, All-Russian Rice Research Institute.