Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.854. 631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.37

Productivity of sunflower hybrids of different ecological origin in dry steppe zone of Aktobe region

Climatic conditions of Western Kazakhstan are characterized by low precipitation, abundance of solar radiation and considerable fluctuations of seasonal and daily temperatures. Efficient farming in Aktobe region is possible based on the cultivation of drought-resistant crops only. The introduction into the structure of sown areas of alternative crops instead of cereals is very actual in the region. In recent years, in the Aktobe region is very interested in sunflower cultivation.Both by national and foreign breeders created new sunflower hybrids with high genetic potential of productivity. The objective of our study was selection of varieties and hybrids which are the most adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the region. The article presents the results of the environmental assessment of 30 sunflower hybrids in 2012-2014. Sunflower hybrids with high resistance to stress factors and high yield potential were selected. Among the hybrids of foreign selection the best results show NK Rocky and Sanluka by Syngenta. Yield of hybrid NK Rocky was 15,2 c/ha (+3,1 c/ha to standard), Sunluka formed yield equal to 13,5 c/ha (+1,4 c/ha). High adaptability to the local conditions showed the hybrid XF 9004 by "Pioneer" with a yield of 15,3 c / ha (+3,2 t/ha) and a hybrid LH 5543 by “Limagrain Europe” exceeding the standard on 2,9 kg/ha. From domestic hybrids was allocated Kazakhstanskiy 52, which yields an average of 14,3 c/ha in 3 years, which is 2,2 c/ha higher than standard. Oil content of hybrids was 46,07-50,47%, while oil content of standard Sanay was 47,0%. High oil content showed the hybrids Sunkar (50,47%), and Kazakhstanskiy 95 (49,5%). Among the foreign hybrids Sanluka and NK Rocky (Syngenta) significantly exceeded the standard with oil content 49,67% and 48,9% respectively.
Keywords: Gene pool, sunflower, hybrid, oil content, adaptability, productivity


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  1. Nikishkov Alexandr Vasilievicy, PhD, Head of Department of fodder crops and sunflower, Aktobe Agricultural Research Station.
  2. Dauletaliyeva Shara Rakhishovna, Senior Researcher, Aktobe Agricultural Research Station.
  3. Nikishkova Tatyana Dikmanovna, Senior Researcher, Aktobe Agricultural Research Station.