Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 631.53.01
GSNTI: 68.35.03;68.35.37

Optimization of the methodology of preliminary grains essential oil crops seed growing production

The optimized methodology of preliminary grains essential oil crops seed growing production is focused on in the article. The step of selected elite plants pre-assessment according to the essential oil content in the seeds, which was carried out by using micro method, was excluded because the method was incomplete. Just only phase of the determination the mass fraction of the essential oil in the seeds’ macro hitch samples of the offspring evaluation nursery pattern offered to leave. In the nursery patterns because of placement schema modification and decreasing the number of control plots it was increased the number of the investigated families (selected elite plants offspring). This schema allows increasing the general number of analyzed families without increasing the field nursery pattern area and the amount of biochemical studies. The seed families’ reserves that exceeded in yield and mass fraction of the essential oil the best and medium control are combined to sow in the nursery propagation P1. Given technique has been applied in practice in the preliminary seed growing production of essential oil dill variety “Skiff” (“Scythian”) for seven years. Working with this technique the variety productivity is sufficiently improved in comparison with the competitive variety testing data. The content of essential oil in raw material increases on average 27,8%, and raw material yield increases on 71,3%. It is offered to use the optimized technology in the preliminary seed breeding production of coriander, dill, anise, fennel, cumin (thyme).
Keywords: Preliminary seed growing production, grains essential oil crops, offspring’ evaluation nursery pattern, mass fraction of the essential oil


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  1. Nevkrytaya Natal'ya Vladimirovna, PhD (Biology), head of the laboratory of breeding, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea.
  2. Ametova El'mira Dzhiparovna, head of the biochemical research laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea.