Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.63:573.6:581.163
GSNTI: 68.35.03. 683.5.33

Haploids in parthenogenetic progenies in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

Sugar beet is referred to cross-pollination types of plants, i.e. seeds as a result of double fertilization when the pollen transporting from the flowers of one plant to another. The self-pollination pregnant only a few plants in populations, as it prevents system of self incompatibility genes. As observed by many authors, the self-incompatible plants beets tend to agamospermous (parthenogene-tic) modes of seeds reproduction. Therefore, cross-fertilization, self-fertilization and parthenogenesis combine to form a single system of seed reproduction in sugar beets (bi - and uniparental reproduction). Regardless of the method of seed reproduction part of them is with single set of chromosomes in the nuclei (haploid seeds). Uniparental (parthenogenetic) reproduction in sugar beet allows to obtain a sufficiently high output level haploid seedlings (4 to 16% depending on source material). This level of reproduction of haploids in higher than in the reproduction of haploid with other methods of reproduction, is higher than in experimental impact on the process of embryogenesis, and higher than in the cultivation of ovules in vitro. Observations show that in the process of development of plants is accompanied by partial diploidization haploid cells in cell populations by disrupting the mitotic cycle of fission haploid cells, pass to mixoploidy of cell populations. Mixoploidy cell populations, we consider as epigenetical process that allows to maintain a relatively stable ploidy level in the cell population. Doubling of chromosomes in haploids is one of the effective methods to obtain the diploid homozygotes in many species of cultivated plants, including sugar beet.
Keywords: Beets sugar, haploids, parthenogenesis, mixoploidy, uni-parental and bi-parental modes of reproduction, apozygoty, chromosomal instability


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  1. Maletskaya Ekaterina Ippolitovna, PhD, Senior Researcher, laboratory of plant population genetics, The federal research center Institute of cytology and genetics SB RAS.