Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 575.222:575.2.084:577.21:633.63
GSNTI: 68.35.33:34.23.17

Vinichenko Variability in agamospermous progenies of sugar beet

The article provides an overview of researches devoted to the agamospermy in sugar beet conducted by us. There are data indicating that the polymorphism observed in the agamospermous progeny is the result of specific genetic processes defined by the special status of the genome in the plant which is capable to agamospermous way of reproduction. This conclusion was based on the analysis of phenotypic classes ratios in the agamospermous offsprings of sugar beet. Using isozymes which are characterized by codominant inheritance allowes to detect all three phenotypes, namely two homozygous and one heterozygous class, e.g. FF, SS and FS in the progeny of heterozygous F/S diploid plants. The ratio 3FF:8FS:3SS was often revealed in agamospermous progenies. This ratio is characteristic for gametes of tetraploid plant having genotype FF/SS. This suggests that the agamospermous offspring developed from the diploid gametes, which, in turn, are arisen as result of the meiosis of tetraploid cells present as an impurity among the bulk of the maternal plant diploid cells. The findings also point to the fact that not only ploidy differences in cell populations (mixoploidy) influences on the ratio of phenotypic classes in agamospermous progeny. The level of polyteny of chromosomal sites in the cells entering into embryogenesis through agamospermy influences on the phenotypic class ratio in the progeny. Polymorphism in this case is due to the diminution of excess copies of the alleles of marker gene. Diminution occurs on the laws of probability, ie, according to the laws of combinatorics. Polymorphism in the agamospermous progenies which arises as a result of chromatin diminution is not associated with changes in ploidy, which take place during meiosis and gamete fusion. The special status of the genome in cells of plants propagated by the agamospermy is manifested also in the structural organization of the enzyme loci detectable by PCR.
Keywords: Agamospermy, mixoploidy, polyteny, isozymes, phenotype ratios, sugar beet


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  1. Levites Evgenii Vladimirovich, the candidate of biological Sciences, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Population Genetics of plants, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  2. Kirikovich Svetlana Sergeevna, the candidate of biologocal Sciences, Researcher; Laboratory of Population Genetics of plants, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  3. Vinichenko Natalia Alexandrovna, Junior Researcher; Laboratory of Population Genetics of plants, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.