Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 634.25: 631.52
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Potential of the ornamental peach genetic resources for breeding

For creation of novel peach cultivars combining high yield and fruit quality with adaptability to abiotic and biotic stressors, as well as adapted to modern cultivation systems vast and heterogeneous in taxonomic and ecological-geographical origin initial plant material should be involved in the breeding process. Germplasm of ornamental peach is an example of needed material. The ornamental peach collection of Nikita Botanical Gardens is one of the largest gene pools of this plant group in the world. Currently, an update collection includes 91 cultivars, based on the form diversity of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch and its hybrids with P. mira Koehne, P. davidiana (CarriŠre) Franch., P. kansuensis Rehder and P. amygdalus Batsch. Analysis of the data demonstrated that valuable genotypes characterized with high winter hardiness, resistance to fungal pathogens, late flowerin, and alternative types of crown promising for breeding of novel fruit peach cultivars are presented in the gene pool of ornamental peach. Based on many years researches it has been selected 9 cultivars differed in their geographical origin characterised with late flowering (Assol, Vesna, Iranskiy Decorativny, Yugoslavskiy Decorativny, Ju Tao, Kyoumaiko, Bi Tao, Fei Tao, Sahong Tao, Zan Fen), 4 cultivars with high winter hardiness (Assol, Vesenniy Ogon, Vesna, Ogon Prometeya), 3 ones resistant to the main fungal pathogens (Zhiselle, Lel, Ruthenia), 10 with a weeping crown (Posledniy Snegopad, Ophelia, Rozovy Dozhd, Chio-Chio-San, Hongyu Chuizhi, Wubao Chuizhi, Yuanyang Chuizhi), 3 with Pillar type crown (Terutebeni, Terutehime, Teruteshiro) and 2 dwarfs (Liangfen Shouxing, Xiayu Shouxing). The breeding work to improve the assortment of peach was started with the participation of these cultivars.
Keywords: Peach, species, ornamental cultivars, sources of economically valuable traits, flowering, period, winter hardiness, deseases resistance,


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  1. Komar-Tyomnaya Larisa Dmitrievna, Ph.D. (biol.), Senior Research, Head of the Laboratory of southern fruit crops, Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences.