Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 634.236:581.45:57.087.1
GSNTI: 34.03.23

Optimization methods for estimation of intraspecific heterogeneity in leaf morphology

The study sample web collection genus Microcherry - Microcerasus Webb emend. Spach - Krymsk EBS, VIR Branch aims to identify their taxonomic position and ways of using search to include hybridization in selection of clonal rootstocks of stone fruit trees, ornamental varieties and forms. Complex quantitative morphological characters of leaf three species of this genus has been used to optimize the classification procedures. To this end, we have received for processing measurements of leaves following biometric analyzes were used: variance, discriminant, and cluster correlation method etc. Using discriminant functions species differentiation morphology sheet made much more successful than single characteristics, even though these species differ statistically thereon. This can be extremely important in the differentiation of tasks such as the rank of taxa below the species (variation, variety, form). The best method to identify and quantify the differences between species and taxa Microcherry rank below species is to build specialized linear combinations of the signs of the sheet - discriminant functions. The total variance of values per share of interspecies differences account for up to 96%. It is shown that differences morphological characters of three species of leaf Microcerasus: M. glandulosa, M. tomentosa, M. microcarpa - are obvious and include both its linear dimensions, and the correlation structure of the studied traits. The latter circumstance was observed by us in the difference between the composition of the рleiades factor allocated in the study of intraspecific variation.
Keywords: Microcherry, form, sheet, morphological characteristics, cluster analysis, variance, correlation


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  1. Kovalenko Natalia Nikolaevna, Doctor of biological sciences, Head of biotechnology laboratory, Krymsk EBS, VIR Branch.