Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 579.64:634.25
GSNTI: 34.27.23

Changes in microbiocenosis of Peach seedlings rhizosphere under the influence of Complex of microbial preparations

The article presents data of the effect of Complex microbial preparations that is based on associative nitrogen-fixing, phosphate mobilizes bacteria and bacteria-antagonists of plant pathogens, on changes of the number of major ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of peach seedlings. The object of research was the rhizosphere soil of almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb) seedlings as a rootstock for peach tree (P. persica L.) in a fruit nursery. Almond seeds before planting treated with complex of microbial preparations (CMP), which includes biopreparations Diazofit (Agrobacterium radiobacter 204), Fosfoenterin (Enterobacter nimipressuralis 32-3) and Biopolitsid (Paenibacillus polymyxa P) mixed in equal ratios. The titer of preparations is 7-10 billion CFU/ml. It was found that in the almond seedlings rhizosphere on a background of organic nitrogen (manure 20 t/ha) predominated microorganisms that assimilate mineral forms of nitrogen. It was observed a significant increase in the total number of microorganisms, formed more agronomically favorable functional structure of microbial cenosis with the introduction to the almonds rhizosphere soil of CMP. The most significant changes in the number and quality of microflora occur in a layer of the 0-20 cm. The number of bacteria, assimilating the various forms of nitrogen, streptomyces and micromyces significantly increased. Application of the CMP has led to a significant increase in the number of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in the almonds rhizosphere in 1,5-2,0 times in comparison with the control. In the second field of nursery for Peach seedlings (0-20 cm soil layer) is set downward trend in the number of micromyces in 1,5-1,7 times by using the CMP compared to the control. Applying of CMP increased the number of bacteria using mineral nitrogen compounds and micromyces in the soil layer of 20-40 cm in 3 and 2,5 times, respectively.
Keywords: Microbiocenosis, peach seedlings, Complex of microbial preparations


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  1. Klimenko Olga Evgenievna, candidate of agricultural sciences, Senior Research Fellow, FSBIS "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".
  2. Klimenko Nikolai Ivanovich, candidate of agricultural sciences, Senior Research Fellow of Laboratory of Steppe Horticulture, FSBIS "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".
  3. Kameneva Irina Alekseevna, candidate of agricultural sciences, head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Ecology of microorganisms, FSBIS "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".
  4. Klimenko Nina Nikolaevna, scientific researcher of Laboratory of Plant-Microbe Interactions, FSBIS "Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea".