Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 60

UDC: 633.112.9: 631.527
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Breeding significant features winter triticale with different expression of plant height

At the moment, in the conditions of Krasnodar region, an important part of triticale breeding for resistance to lodging is directional selection of hybrid populations of the shortstraw forms with optimal performance of agronomic traits. According to the results of the two years trials the second generation of hybrid populations revealed high polymorphism in plant height. In the course of structural analysis identified the possibility of selection of the short forms with productivity level taller specimens.
Keywords: Variability, plant height, breeding and valuable features, productivity level, harvesting index, weight of 1000 seeds


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  1. Kovalenko Viktor Yakovlevich, Dr. agricultural Sciences, Ch. Researcher; Division selection of wheat and triticale, Krasnodar KNIISH them. P.P. Lukyanenko.
  2. Panchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich, PhD. agricultural Science, Art. Researcher; Division selection of wheat and triticale, Krasnodar KNIISH them. P.P. Lukyanenko.
  3. Kalmysh Alexei Petrovich, ml. Researcher; Division selection of wheat and triticale, Krasnodar KNIISH them. P.P. Lukyanenko.