Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 633.11:631.526.32/524.02:631.5/633.1:581.19
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Varietal resources of spring wheat in Western Kazakhstan and their role in production of the grain of high quality

Over the past years quality indicators of grain of spring wheat grown in the crop rotation of Aktobe ARS didn't drop below 1 and 2 grades. It is caused by both favorable for the high protein weather conditions, and use of adapted agronomy practices. The quality and quantity of gluten formed by varieties of local selection is stable at a high level (32-40%), which corresponds to the quality of I and II groups. Deviation from the recommended technology significantly reduces the baking and noodle traits of wheat. In dry steppe zone the spring wheat which planted first or second crop after fallow has better moisture supply during growing season. At placing of wheat on a third crop after uncropped fallow the moisture supply is reducing, especially during heading to grain filling stages. The uncropped fallow as a predecessor is a single option to grow durum wheat in the region. Better efficient of the phosphorus and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers application noted under applying them to the fallow field, as well as combined with the crop sowing. Fertilizers increase grain yield, test weight and protein and gluten content. The seeding rate of spring wheat is 2,5 to 3,0 mln. germinating grains per 1 ha. The protein and gluten content, glassiness are higher in crowded haulm stand compared to sparse. Great significance in increasing the production of high-quality grain for the baking and pasta industry have new adaptive varieties of spring bread wheat (Aktobe 39, Stepnaya 2, Stepnaya 50, Stepnaya 60) and durum wheat (Kargala 9, Kargala 69) of Aktobe ARS breeding. These varieties accepted for use in Aktobe, West Kazakhstan and Karaganda regions of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: Spring wheat, competitive varieties, drought tolerance, cultivar technology, time and seeding rate, preceding crops, fertilizer system, quality of grain, flour, bread, and pasta


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  1. Tsygankov Vladimir Igorevich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of Department of breeding and primary seed growing of LLP ʾʾAktobe ARSʾʾ, Head of Aktobe control station, Researcher of Aktobe control station of ʾʾAll-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilovʾʾ ʾʾAktobe Agricultural Research Stationʾʾ.
  2. Tsygankov Igor Georgievich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Chief researcher of the Department of breeding and primary seed growing, Researcher of Aktobe control station of ʾʾAll-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilovʾʾ ʾʾAktobe Agricultural Research Stationʾʾ.
  3. Tsygankova Marina Yuryevna, Head of the laboratory of the gene pool of plants, Researcher of Aktobe control station of ʾʾAll-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilovʾʾ ʾʾAktobe Agricultural Research Stationʾʾ.
  4. Zelenskiy Yuriy Iosifovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Principal Scientist-Wheat Breeder of CIMMYT-Kazakhstan, CIMMYT-Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  5. Tsygankovа Natalia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, researcher of the laboratory of winter rye breeding, Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture ʾʾNemchinovkaʾʾ.