Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 631/635; 502/504; 911
GSNTI: 68.35.47

Actual problems environmental management and maintain the ecological balance in arid zones

Rational wildlife management and conservation of the ecological balance in arid zones are important national objective for the conservation and regeneration of natural forage resources, ensuring productive longevity agricultural land as a production base of agriculture, forestry, water, wetlands and protected areas. Rational wildlife management in arid zones necessary for environment human and animal preservation and reproduction. The main part arid areas occupied by natural grasslands that play here especially important role. Condition of arid areas is largely determined by the state and use of natural pastures. They not only form the basis fodder base animal husbandry, but also determine the ecological state of arid agricultural landscapes, the development of negative processes desertification. So, for all Kalmykia agricultural landscapes characterized by a weak resistance to the anthropogenic loads, high vulnerability and susceptibility to desertification. Numerous foci of desertification on natural pastures are of anthropogenic origin and were formed as a result irrational use of the territory. Irrational economic activity in conditions high vulnerability of agricultural landscapes arid zones leads to the destruction of the weak natural land cover, is disturbed ecological balance, ecosystem stability. As a result of intensive destruction begins not only the soil but also the parent rock, increasing the square waved sand, deteriorating living conditions of people and animals. Accordingly, the reduced area of natural pastures, reduced fodder resources, reduced provision livestock feed, increases the likelihood forage lack and death of animals. Ploughing up territory white wormwood winter pastures with brown semidesert sandy soils, accompanied by the complete destruction of the natural soil and vegetation, led to the formation of vast arrays waved sand.
Keywords: Arid zones, rational nature management, ecological balance, natural pastures, desertification


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  1. Trofimov Ilya Aleksandrovich, Dr. geogr. Sciences, Deputy Director for Science, Head; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  2. Trofimova Liudmila Sergeevna, Cand. agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.
  3. Yakovleva Elena Petrovna, Senior Researcher; Laboratory of Geobotany, All-Russian Williams Fodder Research Institute.