Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 631.531.011:635.1/.7
GSNTI: 68. 35. 51

Informative diffraction method for determining the heterogeneity of vegetable seeds

The main task of the vegetable seed-industry is production of high quality seeds. The modern high technologies of crop growing is based on utilization of high quality, uniform seeds with high field germination rate. Usage of the heterogeneous seeds is the cause of the blindness in seedlings, non-simultaneous ripening, various productivity, and heterogeneity of production. In the All-Russian research institute of vegetable breeding and seed production in cooperation with the Agrophysical research institute and Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, the method of X-ray diffraction study of seeds quality of vegetable crops was developed. Based on the analysis of inner structure of the seeds of 25 vegetable crops belonging to the 10 botanical families, the main defects and disadvantages compromised the seed quality were determined. The main defects such as underdeveloped endosperm and cotyledon, pest contamination and pathogen infestation, seed damage, inner germination, age hardening were determined. The method of X-ray diffraction of seeds is characterized by informativeness, speed of execution, wholeness and integrity of studied material, that most crucially at analysis of small set of breeding seeds. The revealed defects and abnormalities of seed development are correlated with seeds viability that bears evidence of usefulness of this method.
Keywords: X-ray diffraction, seeds quality, defects, embryo, seed germination


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  1. Pivovarov Viktor Fedorovich, D-r agricultural sciences, RAS academician, director, All-Russian scientifically research institute of selection and seed production of vegetable cultures.
  2. Musaev Farkhad Bagadir ogli, Candidate of agricultural sciences, Senior Researcher of Laboratory and test center, All-Russian scientifically research institute of selection and seed production of vegetable cultures.