Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 59

UDC: 633.15:581.19
GSNTI: 68.35.03

Grain chemical composition resistance of mid-ripening self-polinated corn lines to variable environmental conditions

Currently, the most promising and productive cereal crop in Russia is corn. Perspective corn hybrids acquire especial value due to its high productivity, the possibility of cultivation in different climatic zones, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as the presence in the grain of the nutrients - protein, starch, fat, minerals, vitamins. The article presents the results of studies of the chemical composition of the grain of mid-ripening inbred corn lines for 2 years (2014-2015), created in FSBSI ARRSI of Corn. It was found that the average protein content in corn grain of mid-ripening lines was 10,05% in 2015, compared with the data of 2014 (9,33%) indicates an increase in protein accumulation by 0.81 % over the mentioned period. The average starch content in the grain of mid-ripening inbred lines in 2015 was lower by 2% in comparison with the data of 2014. No significant changes in the average content of fat and fiber was not detected. The increase of average sugar content in corn samples was established: in 2014-1,69%, in 2015-2,03%. Lines, which were characterized by increased capacity for protein accumulation in the grain was marked in 2015: RM 4/15-12,98% (+4,4%), RM 135 - 14,68% (+3,27%), RM 304-13,17% (+3,73%), RM 30/15 - 13,89% (+3,31%). Identified 13 lines, characterized by relative stability of the chemical composition at different environmental conditions: RM 5/15, RM 226, RM 268, RM 234, RM 331, RM 18/15, RM 20/15, RM 225, RM 21/15, RM 22/15, RM 25/15, RM 27/15, RM 29/15. Probably, these lines have a greater genetic potential for the accumulation of biogenic com-pounds and insignificantly react to changing weather conditions. The experimental data provide a basis for continuing researches in the direction of breeding of high-productive inbred lines to create hybrids with improved chemical composition of grain.
Keywords: Corn, self-pollinated lines, chemical composition of grain, weather conditions, resistance to diseases and pests


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  1. Martirosyan Vladimir Viktorovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, leading researcher of quality and corn processing laboratory, FGBNU All-Russian Research Institute of corn (FGBNU ARRSI of Corn).
  2. Sotchenko Yelena Fedorovna, Cand. of Agricultural Sciences, head of the breeding department of corn for immunity, FGBNU All-Russian Research Institute of corn (FGBNU ARRSI of Corn).
  3. Sotchenko Yuriy Vladimirovich, Cand. of Agricultural Sciences, head of the breeding department, FGBNU All-Russian Research Institute of corn (FGBNU ARRSI of Corn).
  4. Zhirkova Yelena Vladimirovna, Cand. of Technical Sciences, docent of department foodstuff technology and merchandising, Branch of the North Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigorsk.