Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 330.16:330.117
GSNTI: 06.56.31:06.52.17

Institutional environment in rural areas: problems of formation and evaluation of its effectiveness

The formation of the institutional environment for development of countryside, as a system aggregate of rural economics, of the countryside and rural municipalities were considered. The institutional environment appears as the most important factor of progressive development the rural territory of any region. Research approaches to the essence of notion “institution” are considered. Economic and social institutions formal and informal are classified as common to all the subjects of economic relations and private is unique to the individual agents or groups. Special attention is given to formal institutions that constitute the regulatory framework of rural development and its structural components: rural economy, rural areas and rural municipalities. Dedicated Institute of the Cossacks, characteristic for subjects of Federation of the South of Russia, considering simultaneously both formal and informal Institute. Indicated the negative impact of institutional disequilibrium on the level of municipal management of rural areas, the quality and quantity provided to the rural population of services. Check methodological and theoretical positions of the authors carried out using questionnaires in the municipal districts of the four zones of the Stavropol territory. We study the prevalence of complaints of the respondents in the authorities of the region about received by them of state (municipal) services, degree of satisfaction with their quality evaluation by the respondents the major reasons for low satisfaction with received services. It is revealed that to authorities about the quality of services treated 2-3 times a year for almost 39% of respondents, monthly - only 5% of respondents. The majority of respondents negatively evaluates or services generally has no idea about them, satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of services only 38,8% of respondents. priority actions in the areas of creating a more efficient institutional environment are proposed.
Keywords: Rural area, rural territories, rural municipalities, economic institutions, institutional environment, rules, restrictions, "formal institutions", "informal institutions"


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  1. Kostyaev Alexander Ivanovich, Dr. of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Northwest Research Institute of Economy and Organization of Agriculture.
  2. Nikonova Galina Nikolaevna, Dr. of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of department of economic structures transformation forecasting and land management, Northwest Research Institute of Economy and Organization of Agriculture.
  3. Kriulina Elena Nikolaevna, Ph.D. in economics, Docent of department of state and municipal administration and law, Stavropol State Agrarian University.