Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 681.3.06
GSNTI: 06.81.25

Selecting the way of software acquisition: conceptual description of the subject area

Research is devoted to the development of conceptual description of the subject area of decision-making on selecting the way of software acquisition for enterprise on the basis of the methodology of conceptual analysis and design. This approach allowed to estimate the multivariance of possible situations for decision making, to identify the subject, main actions, subactions, objects, action components and their characteristics. The alternative ways of software acquisition were considered. They include: the purchase of licensed software, using the OpenSource software, software development in-house and the purchase of SaaS ("Software as a Service"). On the basis of Bolotova's technique the model of subject area of decision-making on selecting the way of software acquisition was constructed. The resulting structure of the analyzed subject area consists of two parts: functionally targeted and providing. Functionally targeted part establishes a connection between subject, action and object. While the providing part establishes a connection between subject, action and action components. The capacity of the set of possible situations for decision-making was also calculated. The set of possible situations was determined by resulting structure of the subject area. Subsequently, the structure of the subject area was detailed to the simpler conceptual structures of a single solution. In general, the methodology of conceptual analysis and design allowed to form the conceptual framework of informational space. Within this conceptual framework all the basic processes of data processing and output decision regarding the choice of the software acquisition method are carried out.
Keywords: Conceptual description, software, subject area, decision-making, way of software acquisition, SaaS


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  1. Mitus Ksenija Nikolaevna, aspirant, Sevastopol State University.