Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 624.131.7
GSNTI: 67.03.03

Physical modeling in foundation engineering

The problem of accordance of calculations design decisions to the construction of foundations of buildings and structures can be solved with the use of physical modelling. The formulation of similarity conditions of reduced models and the real volume of projects meets the difficulties caused by large differences in mechanical behaviour of materials and soils and the role of the duration of the process. The proposed solution is based on the similarity of the behavior of the microstructure of model and real soil. The conditions assume a similarity comparison of the base physical models, tested by a special technique. The technique involves the measurement of microstructure characteristics of soil models and the original version, the study of the geometry of the fracture model the sliding surfaces in its development, as the loading models with the similarity of boundary conditions. Domestic and foreign experience of research in the field of Foundation and ground research indicates that this technique can be implemented patterns with a given rate of load increase on the base model or at a constant rate of deformation. This is possible using automatic mechanisms of loading, having a large range of variation of driving parameters and synchronized with the measurement system of derived parameters. Research at the Department of bases and foundations on the stands and stalls with automatic loading, with the use of displacement sensors with a scale division of 0,005 mm yield positive results, but give reason to assume the specified value is the upper limit.
Keywords: Physical modeling, resistance, soil, subfoundation, soil microstructure


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  1. Shadunts Konstantin Shagenovich, Dr. of geological and mineralogical sciences, Professor, Professor-consultant of the Department of Bases and Foundations, Kuban State Technological University.
  2. Liashenko Pavel Alekseyevich, PhD in technique, Assistant Professor, Professor of the Department of Bases and Foundations, Kuban State Technological University.
  3. Denisenko Viktor Viktorovich, PhD in technique, Assistant Professor, Departmenr of Cadastre and Geoengineering, Kuban State University of Technology.