Труды Кубанского государственного аграрного университета

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2016, № 58

UDC: 631.811.98:633.853.59
GSNTI: 68.35.37

Efficacy of the Gidrogumin drug for soybeans

The root system of soy is in symbiosis with nodulating bacteria which main role is a nitrogen fixation. To enrich the activity of nitrogen fixation bacteria we need to improve their conditions, which is to provide rhizosphere with batteries especially with phosphorus and potassium. Application of Gidrogumin on soy plants promotes increasing availability of these elements, thereby precipitating their growth processes. Researches are conducted to determine efficiency of the soy plants under analysis. As a result of its application taller plants with big vegetative weight were formed and therefore larger leaves with considerable sheet surface and higher efficiency of pigment production were developed. As a result of practical tests root system appeared to have a bigger number of nodulating bacteria in all fractions, which led to increasing activity of rizobial bean symbiosis, which in its turn led to strengthening of nitric food, growth and other physiological processes. Under the influence of Gidrogumin the quantity branches increased by 0,2-0,4; beans 2,5-4,7; seeds of 4,1-7,9 pieces / a plan, weight (beans on 1,35-2,23; seeds of 0,97-1,69 / a plant, and also weight is 1000 pieces of seeds on 7,1-9,7 g. The increase in structural elements of a crop (quantity of beans and seeds, 1000 pieces of seeds) led to increasing productivity of seeds of soy. Productivity on control option was noted at the level of 15,7 c/hectare, and on test options of 17,3-18,0 c/hectare, the crop increase appeared 10,2-14,6% due to Gidrogumin. Oil production component in soy seeds under control was 20,7%, and application of Gidrogumin increased the number by 1,2-1,7%. Collecting oil from hectare is closely connected with such indicators as productivity and the content of oil in soy seeds. As a result due to application of Gidrogumin collecting oil from hectare resulted in 3,79-4,03 c/hectare against control option of 3,25 c/hectare. The highest values on all indicators were noted on option with Gidrogumin with 2 times processing of plants with a dose of 500 ml/hectare.
Keywords: Soy, growth regulators, productivity, oil productivity


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  1. Dirin Vyacheslav Vasil'evich, general direktor, CHPUP «Biohim», Respublika Belarus'.
  2. Barchukova Alla YAkovlevna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant professor, Kuban State Agrarian Universiti.
  3. Tosunov Yanis Konstantinovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant professor, Kuban State Agrarian Universiti.